SCE for BEGINNERS ================= Here are the main tips for sce - To save + exit: ESC two times. - To abandon: CTRL-T two times. - The cursor commands work fine and insertion mode is the default. - The main CTRL's of emacs editing (that used for ksh) works (type CTRL-G and SPACE for Help). - (Solved for >6.01) If "sce" gets stuck and seems to not respond, try pressing "q". In most sce supported terminals: -------------------------------- - The advanced functions are accesed by means of the Function keys F1 to F8 of the keyboard. The bottom line shows the corresponding labels in this order: F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 - F8 is the "Other" key, to access more functions. And in a vtXXX emulator: ------------------------ - The vt220 app keypad is mapped to a PC keypad, so you can use all the editing keys of the PC (Begin, End, PgUp, PgDown, Ins, Supr, and the cursors: type CTRL-G for Help). - The advanced functions are accesed by pressing the "5" key of the keypad (or CTRL-Y) one or more times, and selecting the function you want between the ones shown at the bottom line that appears. The function is selected using the following mapping of the bottom line: App7 App8 App9 ## App4 App6 ## App1 App2 App3 or typing CTRL-.